Chapters in my book Fish Medicine

Chapters in my book Fish Medicine

Friday, November 21, 2014

I AM that I AM!

I was once told that the most powerful words you can say  are  I AM.  I never got it until one day it was like a light bulb went on in my head.... opening up my third eye and my crown chakra at the same time!   WHOOOO HOOOO!

Of course we have the theological version when God spoke to Moses when Moses wanted to know his name.   Kabbalists believe that this  esoteric information given by God is proof of God's divine nature. I think that  to be true!    :)

For me-  it seemed  all my life I was looking for ...the  'who am  I'  answer.  Then I realized that the answer was right in front of my face my whole life.  I AM that I AM!  This was when I woke up to the fact that  I was not seperate from my Creator,  or any other living thing on this planet or in the  Universe, nor will I ever be!
I do know one thing... the road to this realization did not come easy.  But it was SOOOOOO worth it!  
In the days, months, and years to come, I will never forget I AM that I AM!  
Happy blessed Friday!  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Word of the Week

  1. make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.
    "the reform did much to ameliorate living standards"

    synonyms:improve, make better, better, make improvements to, enhancehelpbenefit,boostamend;
    informaltweak, patch up

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

4 months Today

It is four months today since we buried our momma.  I am honoring her on this day...because she was a true VETERAN of  Motherhood.  She was always there for her children.  She fought for her children. She was loyal to her children.  She was strong for her children.  She never turned her back on her children NO MATTER what.  There were times when she was not treated with respect by her children and NO MATTER what she never abandoned them.   EVER!  She always forgave and she held steadfast in her unconditional LOVE.

I honor my beautiful mother today with a GOLDEN HEART... for being the best  mother for over 50 years!  

Thank you Mother for everything you taught me.  Thank you Mother for supporting me in all my crazy endeavors!  Thank you for LOVING me.  THANK YOU FOR BEING MY  MOTHER!

My Mother was my rock.
I honor her with a
Golden Heart
 on this Veteran's Day

Friday, November 7, 2014

Creativity and divinity :)

I love autumn!  It brings me such joy.  Being a fall baby I know that this is my season.  I love driving this time of year.  It is amazing how the trees turn a plethora of colors, then they become bare and naked until they rebirth in the spring.  What a PROCESS...and it is so natural.  Just like our creativity.  It is a natural thing.  It is part of our divinity.  In the book "The Artist's Way" she talks about the Basic principles. Here are a few:

  • We are , ourselves,   creation. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.
  • Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy, pure creative energy.
  • It it is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity!
  • Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move towards our dreams, we move towards our divinity.
                          Create a fabulous Fall day!  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

My New ONLINE Journal!

I found an excellent online diary/journal! It is called Penzu!  It is  Fabulous! I already have three chapters started!!!! So a total of four chapters in the works. If you write daily/journal - this is the perfect platform! I love to share good things!  It even keeps track of the number of words per chapter!!
Here is the LINK to Penzu! It is free!

This journal is free or you can upgrade to PRO for 19.99 a year......still a rockin deal!
I am using the free version, but if I need to upgrade I most certainly will without even a thought!!

Here are the chapters I have started so far:
60 Days in the Hole (transferred from MS WORD to Penzu)
The Real Fallen Cowgirl
The Dead Dragonfly
Peace in the Valley

I am also using the journal to store notes and thoughts.  I have been able to access Penzu from my windows and I need to do some upgrades on my moms iphone so i can download the Penzu app.

I am really moving on this book!  I have been so inspired and my muses are kicking ass right now! :)


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Creativity Heals MY Self and Others

In the book "The Creative Way" by Julia Cameron there are weekly exercises  and affirmations.

Today's affirmation is
 'My creativity heals my self and others.'  This is my mantra today!

My favorite quote for today is
"The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels."
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

I believe that writing Fish Medicine is so conducive to my healing process.  I often think about little snapshots of my life that I will incorporate into my book.  Those snapshots are moments of joy, sorrow, and segments of tiny moments that shaped who I am.  It is quite enlightening actually.  While I do not dwell in the past, I do take short visits.  They are refreshing and moving for the most part. My  words are flowing onto the pages.  My Momma is very proud of me!!

Today I am allowing myself to nurture the artist within.  I LOVE THAT!!!

                           HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY GIRL HARMONY JADE!!!